Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dozenal and Other bases

Believe it or not, we use multiple bases, but we ultimately have a primary one: decimal.

If this primary base was to dozenal, here is how it should affect other bases.

Base Names:

We name almost every base, yet these names are decimal based.

We have to have a primary base to name other bases, or else nobody will know what we are talking about.

So, If we were switch to dozenal, we would have to change our base names.

Systematic dozenal nomenclature DOES have a system for naming bases, but I personally think we should use a more traditional scheme.

Here are bases 2 to 38 in decimal and dozenal based names:
Base (decimal) Decimal Name Dozenal name
2 Binary Binary
3 Ternary Ternary
4 Quaternary Quaternary
5 Quinary Quinary
6 Senary Senary
7 Septenary Septenary
8 Octal Octal
9 Nonary Nonary
10 Decimal Decimal
11 Undecimal Levinary
12 Duodecimal Dozenal
13 Tredecimal Undozenal
14 Tetradecimal Duodozenal
15 Pentadecimal Tredozenal
16 Hexadecimal Tetradozenal
17 Septadecimal Pentadozenal
18 Octadecimal Hexadozenal
19 Nonadecimal Septadozenal
20 Vigesimal Octadozenal
21 Unvigesimal Nonadozenal
22 Duovigesimal Decadozenal
23 Trevigesimal Levadozenal
24 Tetravigesimal Bizenal
25 Pentavigesimal Unbizenal
26 Hexavigesimal Duobizenal
27 Septavigesimal Trebizenal
28 Octavigesimal Tetrabizenal
29 Nonavigesimal Pentabizenal
30 Trigesimal Hexabizenal
31 Untrigesimal Septabizenal
32 Duotrigesimal Octabizenal
33 Tretrigesimal Nonabizenal
34 Tetratrigesimal Decabizenal
35 Pentatrigesimal Levabizenal
36 Hexatrigesimal Trizenal
37 Septatrigesimal Untrizenal
38 Octatrigesimal Duotrizenal

Base Symbols

Instead of 0123456789 and then ABCDEF..., the first 12 dozenal symbols should be used, and then letters start, so 123456789XE, then abcd... (If X and E are used for 10 and 11, all letters are lowecase, if the fancy symbols are used, it does not matter. This way, E (11) and e (16) are distinguishable).

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