Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dozenal and Computing

If we were to switch to dozenal, computing would mostly stay the same. Computers would still most likely use binary internally.

Here are the things that would change:

No more Kilobytes, Megabytes, and Gigabytes

Since Kilo, Mega, and Giga are based off 10, they will not be used.

Instead will be Triquabytes (12^3 bytes), Hexquabytes (12^6 bytes), Ennquabytes (12^9 bytes) and Unnilquabytes (12^12 bytes)

Even though a kilobyte is only ideally 1000 bytes, and usually 1024 bytes, this is because 1024 is so close to 10^3. Unfortunately for base 12, there is no reasonable (less than 12^9) binary approximation power, so the powers of 12 have to be used.

assuming the prefixes are based of 1024, here are the conversions from new and old storage units:
(all values decimal)
1 Triquabyte = 1.6875 Kilobytes
1 Hexquabyte = 2.84765625 Megabytes
1 Ennquabyte = 4.805419921875 Gigabytes
1 Unnilquabyte = 8.1091461181640625 Terabytes

Flash Drives and SD cards would come in 1 HB (Hexquabyte), 2 HB, 4 HB, and 8 HB sizes, While Hard drives would come in *40 HB, *80 HB, *140 HB, and *280 HB


As I Explained Earlier, Hexadecimal would have different symbols: 0-9, X, E, A, B, C, and D (uppercase is okay, since we have not gotten to E yet). It would have a new name also: Tetradozenal.

Programming languages

Ever since programming languages began, they had decimal literals. If we were to change, we would probably have to scrap our current languages and start new ones with dozenal literals.

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