Remember on my blog post a few months ago where I redefined SI in Cadent units like the Imperial was redefined in Metric
I said:
1 second is equal to 100/21 tems (so no change)
1 metre is equal to 3;46EX tandems
1 kilogram is equal to 0;56X067E pondus
I would like to adjust the value a bit.
The foot was defined as 3048 tenths of a millimetre, a number divisible by 12.
neither 346EX or 56X07E are divisible by ten, so this is why I am making a new redefinition:
1 second is equal to 100/21 tems (so no change)
1 metre is equal to 3;46EX0894 tandems
1 kilogram is equal to 0;56X0696 pondus
this way, millimetres and grams can still be even with Cadent units.
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